
The 'Pigeon' is a beautiful bird. Pigeons are domestic, stout-bodied birds. They have short necks and short slender bills with a fleshy beak. Pigeons eat seeds, cereals, berries, apple, pears, etc. They live in nests and the nests are made of sticks. Pigeons build their nest with small twigs.


The eagle is one of the most powerful and largest of the birds of prey. Eagles have heavy heads and large hooked beaks to enable them to rip flesh from their prey.The eagle bird has outstanding Of all its senses, the eyesight is its biggest asset. It can detect prey from almost 2 miles away.


The 'parrot' is a very beautiful bird. Its feathers are green. It has a red beak. Its beak is curved.The two parts of the beak are very strong and used to break fruits and seeds. The tongue is large and strong. They have strong legs.Overall it is a lovely looking bird. It eats grains, fruits, leaves seeds, pears, nuts.


The ostrich is the tallest and the heaviest of all birds. While the huge ostrich is a bird, it does not fly. Instead it runs.The ostrich uses its short wings for balance, holding them outstretched when it runs.stretching its neck along the ground. Its feather colors blend with the sandy soil where it lives.


Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds on earth. It is particularly known for its colourful feathers that are a sight to behold. It looks best when it dances merrily in the rain.Peacock is the national bird of India.They even dig small holes sometimes to lay the eggs and to keep them safe.A peacock lives for 20-25 years.


Ducks are birds. They have strong bills, or beaks, and webbed feet. Webbed feet are feet that have toes connected by skin. There are over 30 different kinds of ducks that can be different colors and sizes.Ducks are great swimmers, so they have to live near water. Ducks like to eat plants, insects, worms, and other small animals.


Flamingos are famous for their bright pink feathers.Flamingo young are born white.They are very tall birds and they have long legs. Flamingos have a curved bill that is shaped like a banana.Flamingos build nests that look like mounds of mud along waterways. At the top of the mound, in a shallow hole, the female lays one egg.


Crow, any of various glossy black birds found in most parts of the world.It has patch of grey feather about its neck. these feather add to its ugliness.They are eat young, weak animals. This habit makes them unpopular with farmers, as does the bird’s propensity to raid grain crops.The crow has a very harsh voice.


Kingfisher has large head, long, sharp, dagger-like beak, sturdy body, short legs and stubby tail. Kingfishers are generally brightly colored birds that often fish for their food.A kingfisher's short tail allows the bird to turn easily when it is underwater.Kingfishers nest in tree hollows and holes dug into the ground.